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"I have greatly enjoyed tuition in oil painting with Sonny, building up from understanding the importance of basic principles to now painting portraits with some confidence. He has immense patience, while ensuring attention to detail. I can thoroughly recommend him." J.H.
Set Courses
The set courses are offered as an alternative to an individually tailored program of tuition. Each course has its own distinct purpose, whether to get the absolute beginner up and running, provide a general grounding in the possibilities of oil painting or to focus upon one particular subject or method in depth.
The courses are taken on a one-to-one basis.
View details on current courses:
Oil Painting for Beginners Course
General Course in Oil Painting
Special Course in Portrait Painting
Special Course in Abstract Painting
Special Course in Colour Mixing
The schedules are flexible to fit personal circumstances, but you will be required to work out a fixed regular schedule, even if only one lesson per month. The length of lessons will vary, for example, lessons on colour mixing can last for as little as 1 hour, but lessons in which actual paintings are made may need to last as long as 4 hours or more.
Levels of Courses
The courses are designed to be equally appropriate for both beginners and those with some experience. All concentrate on developing skill within the key foundations which are appropriate to all levels and each student is allowed to work at a level appropriate to their own experience. The only exception being the Oil Painting for Beginners Course, which is most suited to beginners.
Fees for All Courses
Courses can be paid on a pay-as-you-go basis after each lesson or in blocks of hours paid in advance at a discount.
Please see:
Course Summary
The beginners course is a series of lessons giving the essential knowledge and techniques that absolute beginners need to start making their own oil paintings. This is a simple introduction that will serve as an excellent base from which to begin practicing at home and then for further courses or tailored tuition.
By the end of the course you will have made at least 6 oil paintings.
Key Foundations Covered
Subjects Covered
Methods Covered
Additional Elements
Course Length
The course consists of approximately 30 hours taught lesson time and approximately 25 hours home-based assignment time.
Course Schedule
Please see:
Course Fees
Please see:
Note: Beginners can either take this course and get some immediate experience of making oil paintings and then move onto another course or they can go straight onto the more extensive General Course in Oil Painting.
Course Summary
This is a general oil painting course of larger scope than the Beginners Course and is intended to provide a wider experience of the possibilities of oil painting. The course provides experience in all of the key foundations, all three of the main methods and several of the common subjects (including portraiture).
By the end of this course you will have made at least 17 oil paintings.
Key Foundations Covered
Subjects Covered
Methods Covered
Additional Elements Covered
Use of additional tools and media
Estimated Course Length
The course consists of approximately 145 hours of taught lesson time and 140 hours of home-based assignment time.
Course Schedule
Please see:
Course Fees (for one-to-one)
Please see:
Special Course In Colour Mixing
Course Summary
The colour mixing course covers the true foundations of colour mixing and builds towards the ability to mix any needed colour precisely. Taking this course will also reduce the cost of other courses, as you will not need to complete their colour mixing sections.
This is appropriate for both beginners and experienced painters.
Key Foundations Covered
Subjects Covered
Reference will be made to a variety of subjects.
Course Length
The course consists of 10 hours taught lesson time and approximately 17 hours of home-based assignment time.
Course Schedule
Please see:
Course Fees (for one-to-one)
Please see:
Special Course In Portrait Painting
Course Summary
The portrait painting course covers portrait drawing and painting from both live models and photgraphic sources.
This is appropriate for those with some drawing and painting experience.
Key Foundations Covered
Subjects Covered
Methods Covered
Additional Elements Covered
Use of additional tools and media
Course Length
The course consists of approximately 100 hours taught lesson time as well as some home-based assignment time.
Course Schedule
Please see:
Course Fees (for one-to-one)
Please see:
Special Course In Abstract Painting
Course Summary
The abstract painting course covers various approaches to abstract painting inspired by notable artists and artistic movements.
This is suitable for anyone with an interest in abstract painting.
Key Foundations Covered
Subjects Covered
Additional Elements Covered
Use of additional tools and media
Course Length
The course consists of approximately 100 hours taught lesson time as well as some home-based assignment time.
Course Schedule
Please see:
Course Fees (for one-to-one)
Please see:
Contact the Tutor - 07939321765 / paintingtuition@hotmail.co.uk